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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Free Digital Camera?!
It's true!
An Email from a FreePay User

Sent: Sat 8/26/2006 6:06 PM
To: FreePay Customer Service
Subject: RE: Your Digital Camera Order

Dear whom it may concern (Freepay),


I am writing this formal thank you letter because I have received the camera order.
I would like to say that I am very happy and pleased with the camera that I have received.
Despite some delay which has occurred, the camera that you have ordered for me makes it worth all the wait!
I cannot stop smiling while looking at my free digital camera from Freepay. You guys have made my dream come true!

I also would like to inform you that you, Freepay, was the very first to introduce me to the freebie scene. opened my eyes to the world of freebie stuff. Since then I have participated on many of Freepay's Canadian sites including freeipodnanos.
You were the first to send me the free gift and you will always remain in my heart to be the first and best freebie company. :)



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